“There was an error validating your credentials…” error message


The following error message may appear when trying to submit nurse’s notes, time slips, incident reports, and other forms:

There was an error validating your credentials.

Please login to submit your nurse’s notes. If you continue to see this error, please call the office at (516) 293-0051.”


This message may appear if you aren’t logged in or your session has timed out. To fix this error, click the “Please login to submit your ___” link (the blank could say ‘nurse’s notes’, ‘time slip’, ‘incident report’, or another form) and enter your username and password to login. You may have to click on the button on the My Account page to go back to the form you were trying to submit.


If this error still appears after logging in again, there may be an internal error. Please call the office at (516) 293-0051 and we will fix the error.